

Cartilage is a soft tissue that covers each end of the bones in your knee and under the kneecap. Due to accident or sports injuries, this cartilage can become damaged. Also, arthritis and age can cause this tissue to wear away. The rough edges of tissue will rub together, causing friction and pain in your joint. You will experience chronic pain, knee stiffness, a popping noise with walking, and joint instability, among other problems.

Because cartilage tears cannot heal on their own, chondroplasty is performed to alleviate these issues. Chondroplasty will have great benefits for your health and quality of life. Furthermore, during the procedure stem cell derived growth factors are added to facilitate healing and new cartilage formation. After the procedure, you will have increased mobility and freedom from chronic pain. In addition, because of arthroscopic techniques, there is short recovery time.

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